Monday, September 10, 2007
Nanjing Essence Fine-chemical Co.,Ltd.
Effective administration ensures high efficient and well co-operation between the inner departments of our company;
Powerful manufacturing ability ensures extensive outputs and punctual delivery. We also pay much attention to production safety, which is always carried out in accordance with ISO9001 and ISO14000;
Professional authorities and experts ensure one-up technique and stringent quality control subject to international criterion, for instance CIPAC, FAO etc;
Know-how Service and support is provided including solutions in actual application.
There are abundant resources we can take advantage of in China, which helps us supply our products in more attractive and competitive price. We are confident that we can create growing valuable opportunities for our co-operative partners. The responsibility to the customers and the society makes us work harder. We appreciate the continuous support from all our customers. We will continue to do our best to be helpful to any of our customers in return to the support and well co-operation.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Neogen Acquires Kane Enterprises
Kane Enterprises, which recorded sales of approximately $6 million in fiscal 2006, will see its operations relocated and integrated with Neogen’s facility at Lexington, Kentucky.
Growmark Estimated Fiscal 2007 Results
According to the company, the Energy Division, including ethanol and biodiesel, reported a record year in terms of sales at $130 million. This was driven by strong growth in sales of several products including FS branded lubricants.
The agronomy/seeds division also showed an increase, mainly due to the increased US corn acreage and higher market share. This saw plant food volume sales reach record tonnage levels and, although soybean sales dropped by 10%, seed sales overall increased by 25% to $160 million, with corn seed unit sales up 50%.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Monsanto to Close Seed Production Facility
Although the company intends to increase seed production as corn demand grows, expansion of this facility is not deemed feasible. The company will instead expand its commercial seed production and processing facility in Grinnell, Iowa. This facility will also be used to produce foundation seed.

Monday, September 3, 2007
Cornell University Clones Sorghum Gene
Aluminium is present in acidic soils when the high acid content dissolves clay minerals which can result in limited crop production.
New genetically engineered aluminium-tolerant sorghum varieties are expected to be produced by next year.
Dow Announce New Herbicide Tolerant Trait
These new traits will provide tolerance to certain broadleaf and grass herbicides, particularly Phenoxy auxins such as 2,4-D and Aryloxyphenoxypropionate ‘fop’ grass herbicides. 2,4-D is already registered for use on corn, both post emergence and as a burndown. The addition of the trait with glyphosate tolerance will allow 2,4-D to be used over a much wider application window to pick broadleaf weeds that are not so well controlled by glyphosate.
These new herbicide tolerant traits will be combined with the Herculex insect protection range of traits.
The company expects the full process, including introgression of the new traits into elite genetics as well as the required regulatory processes, to take several years with estimated launch dates of 2012 for corn and 2013 or 2014 for soybeans.
The company has also announced the launch of two new soil-applied herbicides that contain multiple modes of action and provide residual weed control in herbicide–tolerant crops: SureStart (acetochlor, flumetsulam and clopyralid) for use on corn and Sonic (cloransulam-methyl and sulfentrazone) for use on soybeans.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Cheminova First Half 2007 Results
Operating profit was DKK 74 million, a 54.6% decrease on the first half 2006 figure of DKK 163 million.
Sales of Cheminova’s cotton insecticides did not meet sales expectations as growers shifted from cotton to maize in the southern states of the USA, resulting in a significantly reduced cotton planted area. Low levels of insect infestation in the USA and a late start to the season also negatively affected organophosphate insecticide sales, with the result that the proportion of total sales attributable to these products declined from 24% of turnover in the first half of 2006 to under 22% in the current period. Sales of new insecticides and pyrethroids increased slightly but not by as much as the company expected.
In Europe, sales of fungicides improved due to the early, warm spring. However, sales of fungicides elsewhere were disappointing, particularly in Brazil where the company’s fungicide flutriafol experienced increased competition from several new products that have been introduced to control Asian soybean rust.
Sales of generic products and third-party products showed steady growth, however the company noted that the timetable for the introduction of new products into the marketplace was being impacted by delays in the regulatory system in the EU.
Cheminova’s parent company, Auriga Industries, announced earlier this year that it was intending to concentrate its future business activities on Cheminova and as a result was looking at opportunities to divest its other businesses, namely Skamol and Hardi. In July this year the company announced the sale of its Skamol subsidiary.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
India Approves First Large Trials of GM Crops
The new hybrid variety, which could improve crop yield and allow for reduced application rates of crop inputs, will be one of the latest GM trials to be held in the country.
At present the only GM crop cultivated on a commercial basis in India is B.t. cotton. In October 2006, field trials with B.t. mustard seed were approved, however this is not a food crop.
Germany Approves New Rules for GM Crops
The new rules state that there must be a 150 metre buffer zone between GM crops and conventional crops, and a 300 metre gap between GM crops and organic crops.
The German parliament hopes that the new rules, if accepted, will provide a legal framework for the cultivation of GM crops. According to the German authorities approximately 3700 hectares of GM maize were planted in the country in 2006.
Monsanto Corn Trait Approved in Brazil
The Brazilian regulatory process comprises many stages and, although other steps must still be completed, CTNBio’s decision means that the technology is now one step closer to gaining full approval.
In 2006 the total area planted in the US with maize varieties containing the YieldGard Corn Borer trait reached 32.3 million acres, equivalent to 41.3% of the total. Earlier this year Monsanto estimated that the overall area planted with the trait will be of the order of 41-42 million acres for this current season in the USA. In 2006/7, 32.6 million acres of maize were planted in Brazil.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Olympus to Divest Arysta Holding
Athenix Produce Glyphosate-Tolerant Corn
The company has filed for broad patent protection of the technology and hopes to move the product through development and registration as quickly as possible. A regulatory package for corn containing one of its new genes is expected to be submitted in the US in late 2008. Soybean varieties containing the glyphosate tolerant gene are also being developed and the company hopes to commence testing of these varieties soon.
Bayer Granted Approval for New Herbicide
The company expects to launch the product under the brand name Huskie in the United States, with sales expected to begin in the spring planting season in 2008.
Pyrasulfotole, which has a new mode of action, is the first HPPD (4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase) inhibitor for cereals to be used in North America, and can be used to control a wide spectrum of broad-leaved weeds. It has also been developed for use in a resistance management program to control sulfonylurea-resistant weeds
This announcement follows one from earlier this year in which Bayer gained European approval for its herbicide tembotrione for use on maize. The company noted that the approval of these two products is part of a launch program initiated in 2000 with the intention of introducing 26 new active ingredients by 2011.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Senesco Signs License Agreement with Monsanto
Senesco already has a similar licensing deal with Bayer for cotton and canola.
USDA Crop Production Report
Soybean production is expected to decrease, down 18% from last year’s record high to 2.63 billion bushels. Yields are expected to average 41.5 bushels per acre, down 1.2 bushels from last year.
Cotton production is forecast at 17.3 million 480-pound bales, down 20% from last year’s figure reflecting both a decline in yield and in the planted area.
Total wheat production is expected to be 2.11 billion bushels which would be an increase of 17% over last years figure. Wheat yield is forecast to be 40.6 bushels per acre, 1.9 bushels above the previous year.
Dow Granted First Global Registration for Spinetoram
The product was also accepted for expedited review under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Reduced Risk Pesticide Initiative program in 2006. Dow expects that registration of products containing this active ingredient will be obtained in the USA and Canada before the end of this year.
Spinetoram is being developed as an insecticide for use on tree fruit, tree nut, vine and vegetable crops. Sumitomo Chemical is developing the product for use in Japan.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Common name trifloxysulfuron (BSI, pa ISO)
IUPAC name 1-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-[3-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-2-pyridylsulfonyl]urea
Chemical Abstracts name N-[[(4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl]-3-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-2-pyridinesulfonamide
CAS RN [199119-58-9] sodium salt; [145099-21-4] acid Development codes CGA 292230; CGA 362622 (sodium salt) (both Ciba-Geigy)

Mol. wt. 459.3 (sodium salt); 437.4 (acid) M.f. C14H14F3N5O6S Form Odourless, white to off-white powder. M.p. 170.2-177.7 °C V.p. <0.01 mPa (25 °C) KOW logP = -0.43 (pH 7, 25 °C) Henry 2.6 ?10-5 Pa m3 mol-1 (calc.) S.g./density 1.63 g/cm3 (21 °C) Solubility In water 5016 mg/l (pH 7, 25 °C). Stability Hydrolysis DT50 20 d (pH 7, 25 °C); photolysis DT50 7 h (25 °C). pKa 4.76 (20 °C)
History Reported by Hudetz et al., Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 53, 163-166 (2000). Under development by Syngenta AG; Patents EP-B-540697; US-A-5403814 Manufacturers Syngenta (ENVOKE)
Biochemistry Inhibitor of acetolactate synthase
Mode of action Readily absorbed by shoots and roots and is translocated in weeds. Susceptible weeds show chlorotic symptoms within days and die within 1-3 weeks.
Uses The sodium salt is under development for post-emergence grass, sedge, and broad-leaved weed control in cotton and sugar cane. Formulation types WG. Selected tradenames: mixtures: 'Krismat' (+ ametryn) (trifloxysulfuron as sodium salt) (Bayer)
'Brawn' (Syngenta); 'Enfield''ENVOKE' (Syngenta)
Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC)
Advantages. These formulations contain a high concentration of pesticide, so the price per pound of active ingredient is rather low. Only moderate agitation is required in the tank, so they are especially suitable for low -pressure, low-volume weed sprayers, mist blowers, and small home ground sprayers. They are not abrasive and do not settle out when the sprayer is not running. There is little visible residue, which generally allows their use in populated areas. Because of the high pesticide content, the applicator is not required to store, transport, or handle a large bulk of chemical for a particular job.
Disadvantages. It is easy to underdose or overdose because of the high concentration of pesticide, if directions for mixing are not carefully followed. Mixtures of emulsifiable concentrates may be phytotoxic. Also, because of the high concentration and liquid form, which is usually easily absorbed through the skin, there may be hazard to the applicator. The hazard of improperly stored concentrates can also be high. Because of their solvents, most liquid concentrates cause rubber hoses, gaskets, and pump parts to deteriorate rapidly unless they are made of neoprene rubber. Some formulations cause pitting in car finishes.
Principal Uses. High concentrate liquids can be diluted and used in many ways on fruit, vegetables, shade trees, for residual sprays on farm animals, for structural pests. They are adaptable to many types of application equipment ranging from household sprayers to dilute hydraulic sprayers, low-volume ground sprayers, mist blowers, low volume agricultural aircraft sprayers, and ultra-low volume sprayers (usually on aircraft).
Pesticide Formulation
more hazardous to manufacture than liquids.
WETTABLE GRANULE (WG) low dust, low solvent, suitable for soluble packs and unit dosing, some dispersion problems. Less
easy to measure than liquids.
EMULSIFIABLE CONCENTRATE (EC) simple, robust, versatile, proven, flammable, high solvent content seen as a pollutant.
SUSPENSION CONCENTRATE (SC) simple, robust, generally water-based, not suited to many a.i.’s, some sedimentation problems.
EMULSION IN WATER(EW) water-based, low solvent, some colloidal instability problems, less toxic than EC’s.
MICROEMULSION expensive, chemical stability problems.
CAPSULE SUSPENSION (CS) water-based, low solvent, robust, cost-effective, less toxic than EC’s.
DRY MICROCAPSULE advantages of a CS, less bulky to store than CS or EC.
TABLET convenient, unit dosing, easy to package, good image, some dispersion problems.
GEL good image, suitable for soluble packs and unit dosing, intermediate properties of liquids and
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Herbicide safener of Butachlor
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Sumitomo Acquires UK Distributor
Interfarm distributes a wide range of products in the UK and Ireland, with annual sales of around $8 million. Current Interfarm managing director, John Martin, will become managing director of the new business and holds the remaining 20% of the company. The company has nine employees. According to Sumitomo, it intends to take full advantage of the experience of the current Interfarm employees to develop its existing and new products portfolio.
The acquisition strengthens Sumitomo's position in the UK and Irish markets and provides an excellent platform for the launch of the winter wheat herbicide, SumiMax® 30 SC.
The deal is also in line with Sumitomo's strategy to establish development and direct distribution operations in major overseas markets. In Europe, the company has such operations through the joint ventures, Philagro in France and Isagro Italia in Italy, and its subsidiary, Kenogard, in Spain. With its own base in the UK, Sumitomo will accelerate the product development and registration process and enhance distribution and promotional activities closer to home, according to the company.
Dow Introduces Next-Generation Glyphosate
Durango DMA features a third-generation glyphosate salt, an innovative, patented technology developed by Dow AgroSciences. This third-generation technology delivers consistent, proven broad-spectrum control of numerous grasses and broadleaf weeds in a high-load, easy-to-use formulation.
"Durango DMA is the latest innovation in glyphosate technology," says Nate Miller, marketing specialist for Dow AgroSciences. "It is another example of our company's commitment to continuous improvement in glyphosate formulations to provide growers with the tools they need to achieve maximum yields and profitability."
Dave Ruen, product technology specialist for Dow AgroSciences, says the DMA salt offers many advantages, particularly when it comes to handling and tank-mixing.
"Durango DMA, with the third-generation glyphosate salt, is tank-mix compatible with fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides, particularly with phenoxy herbicides like 2,4-D," Ruen says. "Its low-viscosity, low-foam formulation makes Durango DMA easier to handle."
Arysta, Valent Form Clothianidin Agreement
Under the terms of the agreement, Valent has the rights to the brand names Arena®, Clutch®, Celero™, and Belay®. Valent will enter the crop and ornamental markets with clothianidin in September and the professional turf market by the end of November 2007.
Arysta will continue to market clothianidin in premixtures for use in the granule and sprayable segments within the professional turf market under the brand name Aloft™.
Sumitomo granted Arysta exclusive marketing rights for soil and foliar uses of clothianidin in the United States and Mexico in 2004. The deal completed an earlier agreement over rights in the NAFTA region and parts of Latin America and Europe.
Syngenta Brands Two Fungicides
Revus™, a new foliar fungicide, is intended for use as a preventive spray against downy mildew diseases on brassica crops, cucurbits, grapes, lettuce, and onions. Revus Top™ will control late blight and early blight on potatoes and tomatoes. Due to the ability to bond quickly to the wax layer of plants, Revus and Revus mixtures offer consistent disease control even under extreme weather conditions.
The second of the new fungicides, Inspire®, uses a triazole mixture proven effective in other countries. Inspire and Inspire mixtures will provide broad-spectrum control of leaf spots and powdery mildews, while acting as resistance managment tools in the pome fruit and vegetable industries.
"The development of Revus and Inspire reflect the Syngenta commitment to continually meeting the specific needs of growers, both now and in the coming years, in order to enhance the way they farm," says David Laird, Syngenta fungicide brand manager.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The 5th Brazilian Biosafety Congress To be Held
The 5th Brazilian Biosafety Congress and the 5th Latin American Symposium on Transgenic Products will be held concurrently in Brazil on September 18th-21st 2007. Many topics to be discussed at the conferences will be: biosafety legislation in Latin American countries; environmental monitoring of GMOs; international agreements in the biosafety field; and the use of genetic use restriction technology as a biosafety tool.
Further information is available from the Brazilian biosafety association or the internet:
Off-patent pesticide
Top 10 post-patent pesticide prospects
Active ingredient Activity Year of main patent
Azoxystrobin Fungicide 1989
Mesotrione Herbicide 1995
Pyraclostrobin Fungicide 1999
Fipronil Insecticide 1987
Kresoxim-methyl Fungicide 1991
Thiamethoxam Insecticide 1996
5-metolachlor Herbicide 1996
Epoxiconazole Fungicide 1985
Nicosulfuron Herbicide 1986
Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl Herbicide 1989
According to the above table, the generics market should grow by at least US Dollars 3.5 billion over the next decade. However, Some expert advises that the benefit is not without its challenges.
Pesticide Temporary Registration to be cancelled in China
As reported, the ministry of agriculture will make an amendment on the pesticide regulations within the year of 2007. Before the amendment, the difference between the temporary registration and the registration is to become gradually less. And finally the temporary registration may be cancelled.
Therefore, more restrictions on a generic pesticide producer are going to be made and more cost have to be paid for registration for a certain product, which is really a great challenge for most pesticide manufacturers.
Reach is put into practice
As one of the most comprehensive regulations on chemical administration, the regulation covers large range of chemicals with multifarious procedures. It received great attention from world wide.
The actual execution of the regulation will surely have tremendous effect on the line of chemical, which involves more than thirty thousand chemicals in European market. The cost we Chinese enterprises export products to EU will increase at least by 5%, while the cost for importations will grow up by 3%.
The regulation is in purpose of continuous development of the society for long run. However, it definitely results in great impact on the chemical market. The experts suggest that we may take good advantage of the pre-registration to deal with the problems it causes.
Facing the challenge, we enterprises along with the guilds will certainly make an effort together to overcome the coming difficulties.
Pesticide pollution
In our view, the pesticide pollution should be managed from the very beginning. Besides pursuing the benefit and profit from the product, we manufacturers of pesticide should take into consideration the pesticide pollution it may cause as well. As one part of the society, the responsibility to the society will do help all of us for continuous development.
We should always pay much attention on the problem of pesticide pollution control. We believe the efficiency of our products is the key criterion for the quality, while we also spend much time and energy on the control of pesticide pollution in every process. Each member of essence team realizes the importance of pesticide pollution control and we are making all effort to be helpful to solve the problem. Many customers have enjoyed our after-sale service such as providing application guild when necessary.
As we all know that the pesticide pollution involves large range of our life. It is not easy to be solved within short time. However, we should also be confident that our efforts may make a difference.
SC and WDG formulations
Our technicians have developed SC and WDG formulations for a series products, from insecticides to fungicides. Further more, we begin to study many new formulations, such as EW. So if you have any need in new products or formulations, please don't hesitate to contact with us.
Vietnam international chemical exposition
Since the first exhibition, more and more enterprises in china began to realize the prosperous outlook in Vietnam market. We Chinese pesticide manufacturers such as we Nanjing Essence Fine-Chemical Co., Ltd plan to enter into Vietnam market, at the same time, more chemical or pesticide purchasers from Vietnam pay much attention to the trade opportunities from the annual exposition.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Niclosamide - New Molluscicide
IUPAC name 2’, 5-dichloro-4’-nitrosalicylanilide
Chemical Abstracts name 5-chloro-N-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-2-hydroxybenzamide CAS RN [50-65-7]
Mol. wt. 327.1
Form Almost colourless crystals.
M.p. 230 ºC
V.p. <1 mPa (20 ºC)
KOW logP = 1 (pH 9.6)
Solubility In water 1.6 (pH 6.4), 110 (pH 9.1) (both in mg/l, 20 ºC). Soluble in common organic solvents such as ethanol and diethyl ether.
Stability Hydrolysed in aqueous solution, DT50 (20 ºC) c. 7 d (pH 6.9), 18.8 d (pH 13.3). Stable to heat. Decomposes under u.v. irradiation. Hydrolysed by concentrated acid or alkali.
Mode of action Molluscicide with respiratory and stomach action.
Uses Control of golden apple snail in rice. Control of schistosomiasis and fascioliasis in man by killing fresh-water snails which act as intermediate hosts. Also used for veterinary control of tapeworm infestations.
Compatibility Incompatible with acidic materials.
Selected tradenames: Bayluscide
Monday, July 30, 2007
New Herbicide - pyridate
Common name pyridate (BSI, E-ISO, (m) F-ISO, WSSA)
IUPAC name 6-chloro-3-phenylpyridazin-4-yl S-octyl thiocarbonate
Chemical Abstracts name O-(6-chloro-3-phenyl-4-pyridazinyl) S-octyl carbonothioate
CAS RN [55512-33-9]
EEC no. 259-686-7
Mol. wt. 378.9
M.f. C19H23ClN2O2S
Form Colourless crystals; (tech., brown, oily liquid).
M.p. 27 ºC; (tech., 20-25 ºC)
B.p. 220 ºC/0.1 mmHg (tech.)
V.p. 4.8 *10-4 mPa (20 ºC) (tech.)
KOW logP = 4.01
Henry 1.21 *10-4 Pa m3 mol-1 (20 °C) (calc.)
S.g./density 1.16 (20 ºC) (tech.)
Solubility In water c. 1.5 mg/l (pH 7, 20 ºC). Readily soluble in most organic solvents.
Stability Hydrolysis DT50 89 h (pH 5), 58.5 h (pH 7), 6.2 h (pH 9) (all 25 ºC). F.p. 131 °C
Biochemistry Photosynthetic electron transport inhibitor at the photosystem II receptor site. Mode of action Selective contact herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the leaves.
Uses Post-emergence control of annual broad-leaved weeds, especially Solanum spp., Chenopodium spp., Galium aparine, Kochia scoparia and Amaranthus retroflexus (triazine-resistant biotypes), and some grass weeds, in maize, sweet corn, oilseed rape, cereals, rice, peanuts and vegetables, at 0.9 kg a.i./ha. Often used in combination with a triazine or other product, to extend the spectrum of activity. Phytotoxicity Should not be applied in mixture with, or within 14 days of, any other product which may result in de-waxing of crop foliage.
Formulation types EC; WP.
'Tough' (USA) (Syngenta); 'Zintan' (Syngenta) mixtures: 'Lido' (+ terbuthylazine) (Syngenta); 'Sailor' (+ sulcotrione) (Syngenta, Bayer) Discontinued names: 'Barclay Pirate' * (Barclay)
Sino Pesticide Blog foundation!
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