Monday, September 3, 2007

Dow Announce New Herbicide Tolerant Trait

Dow AgroSciences has announced details of new herbicide tolerance traits which are currently in development. The company claims that these traits, currently called Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerance, will improve weed control in herbicide-tolerant crops.
These new traits will provide tolerance to certain broadleaf and grass herbicides, particularly Phenoxy auxins such as 2,4-D and Aryloxyphenoxypropionate ‘fop’ grass herbicides. 2,4-D is already registered for use on corn, both post emergence and as a burndown. The addition of the trait with glyphosate tolerance will allow 2,4-D to be used over a much wider application window to pick broadleaf weeds that are not so well controlled by glyphosate.
These new herbicide tolerant traits will be combined with the Herculex insect protection range of traits.
The company expects the full process, including introgression of the new traits into elite genetics as well as the required regulatory processes, to take several years with estimated launch dates of 2012 for corn and 2013 or 2014 for soybeans.
The company has also announced the launch of two new soil-applied herbicides that contain multiple modes of action and provide residual weed control in herbicide–tolerant crops: SureStart (acetochlor, flumetsulam and clopyralid) for use on corn and Sonic (cloransulam-methyl and sulfentrazone) for use on soybeans.

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