Sunday, August 26, 2007

Monsanto Corn Trait Approved in Brazil

The Brazilian National Biosafety Technical Committee (CTNBio) has approved Monsanto’s MON 810 insect protection event for commercial use on corn in Brazil. The product is marketed in the USA as YieldGard Corn Borer where it was first introduced in 1997.
The Brazilian regulatory process comprises many stages and, although other steps must still be completed, CTNBio’s decision means that the technology is now one step closer to gaining full approval.
In 2006 the total area planted in the US with maize varieties containing the YieldGard Corn Borer trait reached 32.3 million acres, equivalent to 41.3% of the total. Earlier this year Monsanto estimated that the overall area planted with the trait will be of the order of 41-42 million acres for this current season in the USA. In 2006/7, 32.6 million acres of maize were planted in Brazil.

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